The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has agreements with several transportation agencies; the most important of which are listed below. The title of each agreement is also a link to download the document.
MPO Agreement
The purpose of this agreement is to pass financial assistance to the MPO through the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) in the form of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funds for the completion of transportation related planning activities set forth in the MPO’s Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). The Agreement is for July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026.
Public Transportation Grant Agreement (PTGA)
The purpose of this type of agreement was to pass financial assistance to the MPO through the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) in the form of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5305 funds for planning purposes. Since the Consolidated Grant Agreement was introduced by FDOT in 2023, 5305 funds are administered the same as federal Planning Funds (under the MPO Agreement) and PTGAs are no longer required. There are two PTGAs still in effect until the remaining funds are expended: PTGA G2594 and PTGA G1V40.
Interlocal Agreement for Joint Regional Transportation Planning and Coordination Between the Collier and Lee County MPOs Lee / Collier Interlocal Agreement)
The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a forum for communication and coordination between the Collier and Lee County MPOs and to foster joint regional cooperation regarding transportation planning.
Intergovernmental Coordination and Review (ICAR) 3-26-15
The ICAR established coordination between the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (SWRPC), the City of Naples Airport Authority, and the Collier County Airport Authority and Collier Area Transit (both operated under the Collier County Board of County Commissioners). The purpose of Article 3 of this agreement is to provide for cooperation with FDOT, CAT, the City of Naples Airport Authority and the Collier County Airport Authority in the development and preparation of the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and any applicable corridor and subarea studies. The purpose of Article 4 of this agreement is to provide a process through the Southwest Regional Planning Council for intergovernmental coordination, review and identification of inconsistencies between proposed Collier MPO transportation plans and local government comprehensive plans. The purpose of Article V of this agreement is to provide a process for conflict and dispute resolution through the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council.
Transportation Disadvantaged Planning Grant Agreement
This purpose of this agreement between the State of Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (Commission) and the Collier MPO (MPO) is for the Commission to provide financial assistance for the MPO and state the terms and conditions upon which such services will be provided.
Safe Streets for All Grant Agreement The purpose of this agreement is to coordinate and document the role of the Federal Highway Administration in administering the $200,000 grant received by Collier MPO and the MPO’s responsibilities in developing a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan. The Collier MPO and Collier County entered into a separate Local Match Agreement to document the MPO’s $10,000 and the County’s $40,000 contributions towards meeting the $50,000 local match requirement.
Lease Agreement
The purpose of this agreement entered into between the Collier MPO and the Collier County government is to describe the terms and conditions of the MPO leasing property of the Collier County government.
Staff Services Agreement
The purpose of this agreement between the Collier County government and the Collier MPO is to provide professional services to carry out the terms of the Interlocal Agreement and any other agreement to which the MPO is a party and to provide staff services and support for the administration of the MPO.
Amended & Restated Interlocal Agreement for Creation of the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (Interlocal Agreement)
The Interlocal Agreement that created the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is for the purpose of creating the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The Interlocal Agreement is between the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Collier County, the City of Marco Island, the City of Naples and the City of Everglades City. It was originally entered into in June 1999 and was amended and restated in 2015. The Interlocal Agreement reaffirms the membership of the MPO Board and its responsibilities.
The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Board passes many resolutions. The most important ones pertaining to the funding of the MPO may be downloaded below. The title of each agreement is also a link to download the document.
2007-05 – Approving Application of Federal Government Per Diem & Mileage Rates
2007-06 – Removing Scenic Highway Designation for Tamiami Trail/US 41
2010-05 – Support USDOT Policy on Bike-Ped and Encouraging Member Jurisdictions to Adopt Similar Policy Statements
2011-04 – Authorizing Chair, Vice-Chair, Director to take Action on Administrative & Routine Matters During Board Recess
2012-05 – Return Unused Project Funds to CMS-ITS Pathway Program Funds to be Reallocated by MPO Board
2013-01 – JPA Lee County/Collier MPO Re-designation of MPOs Shared Urbanized Areas (Continuing as Two Separate MPOs rather than combining into a single MPO)
2014-06 – Authorizing MPO Director to process administrative TIP amendments in compliance with the FDOT MPO Handbook During July, August and September
2015-03 – Authorizing MPO Chairman to Execute Ministerial Administrative Paperwork
2017-01 – Rescinding Support for the Concept of the River of Grass Greenway (Resolution 2008-07
2018-02 – Covering Cost Over-Runs ON LAP Projects